A 110 year old large silver decanter in the form of a pheasant is estimated at £2,800-3,200 in the Charterhouse two day August in Sherborne.
“It’s the perfect accessory for pouring your favourite tipple out of for friends and family.” Commented Richard Bromell. “Alternatively, it makes a wonderful table centrepiece when not in use.”

The pheasant decanter is just one of hundreds of lots of silver, jewellery, watches, antiques and interiors along with a rare 1950’s vintage Berkeley Delight caravan, perfect for guest accommodation, glamping or use as an office.
Charterhouse are now accepting entries for their summer auctions of classic bikes, cars, coins, medals, stamps, collectors items and automobilia.
Richard Bromell and the Charterhouse Team can be contact for valuations at The Long Street Salerooms, Sherborne, 01935 812277 or rb@charterhouse-auction.com
George V silver decanter in the form of a pheasant in the wild £2,800-3,200
Richard Bromell with the George V silver decanter in the form of a pheasant £2,800-3,200